Our School
The Nursery was first established in 1941. The Nursery is owned by Slough Borough Council and was rebuilt in 2008.
It now shares premises with the St Andrews Way Children's Centre. We make up part of the large campus with Cippenham Infant and Primary Schools. We take children of 3 & 4 years of age. We can offer places to children the term after their third birthday if there is space. The majority of children attend 3 hours per day, either mornings or afternoons, five days a week. However since September 2017 we have been offering a limited number of 30 hour places.
There are 78 children in the morning and 78 children in the afternoon. We are staffed by fully qualified teachers, nursery practitioners and learning support assistants. Each key-worker is responsible for 13 children at group-times and for record keeping. There are also three teaching assistants, an EAL (English as an additional language) support worker and a family support worker per session. We have a teacher one day a week to support EYPP (Early Years Pupil Premium children).
The Nursery School is open for normal school terms. There is no charge for the allocated 15 or 30 hour attendance. Breakfast club and an extra hour can be added to the 30 hour places.
You can register your child by completing an application form. To arrange a guided tour of the Nursery, please call us on 01628 661506.
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